The circles worn on the hands of NBA pla..(2015年11月nba赛季科比和詹姆斯一起拍的广..)


The circles worn on the hands of NBA players

The circles worn on the hands of NBA players



      - 腕带

      - 吸汗防滑:篮球运动中球员出汗较多,手腕部位的汗水若流到手上会影响控球和投篮手感。腕带可以吸收手腕上的汗水,保持手部干爽,减少滑球的风险,让球员更好地掌控篮球。

      - 标识作用:在一些比赛或训练中,不同队伍的球员可以通过佩戴不同颜色或款式的腕带进行区分,方便队友和教练识别。一些球队会发放印有球队标志或球员号码的腕带,作为球队文化和身份的象征。

      - 装饰搭配:腕带的颜色和款式多样,球员可以根据自己的喜好和比赛服装进行搭配,展现个性与时尚品味。一些球迷也会佩戴与自己喜爱球员相同的腕带,表达对偶像的支持和喜爱。

      - 智能手环

      - 数据监测:可以实时监测球员的心率、血压、运动步数、卡路里消耗等数据,帮助球员了解自己的身体状况和运动强度,合理安排训练和休息。例如,通过监测心率变化,球员可以判断自己在比赛中的疲劳程度,及时调整比赛节奏。

      - 睡眠监测:智能手环可以监测球员的睡眠质量,包括睡眠时间、睡眠深度、睡眠周期等信息。良好的睡眠对于球员的身体恢复和体能储备至关重要,通过分析睡眠数据,球员可以调整睡眠习惯,提高睡眠质量。

      - 运动追踪:记录球员的运动轨迹、运动速度、运动距离等数据,为球员和教练提供参考,帮助球员改进技术动作、提高运动表现。比如,通过分析运球时的速度和轨迹数据,球员可以优化自己的运球技巧。

      - 护具类圆圈

      - 护腕:主要用于保护手腕关节,防止在比赛中因过度伸展、扭转或碰撞而导致手腕受伤。一些高强度对抗的比赛中,球员频繁地进行投篮、传球、运球等动作,手腕承受较大压力,护腕可以提供额外的支撑和稳定性,减轻手腕的负担。

      - 手指护圈:部分球员会在手指上佩戴护圈,用于保护手指关节,预防手指扭伤、挫伤等伤害。尤其是在争抢篮板球、传球和接球时,手指容易受到外力冲击,手指护圈可以起到缓冲作用,减少受伤的可能性。


gettin’jiggy wit it - well smith
slam dunk (da funk) - five kids
这首是灌篮高手 美国nba球赛灌篮大赛指定曲
1 iche har zuviel riskiert - bernhard hann
2 elevation
3 我最喜欢的一首fighter 斗士
是季后赛主题曲 恰如其分地诠释了nba的篮球英雄们。他们就是斗士,篮球场就是他们的战场,他们战斗的目的只有一个——为了他们的信念,为了胜利的信念而战!


Computer games is a hot topic nowadays. Some people hold that it is bad. And others hold that it is good. In my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.
If one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy. For example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the computer
games. You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. Every coin has two sides. If one plays computer game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study.
The computer games itself is only a tool like knife. If we use it properly, it can pare apples. But if we use it to attack others. It immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.


Wildast Dreams - Taylor Swift
He said lets get out of this town
Drive out of this city, away from the crowds
I thought Heaven cant help me now
Nothing lasts forever
But this is gonna take me down
Hes so tall and handsome as hell
Hes so bad but he does it so well
I can see the end as it begins
My one condition is
Say youll remember me
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks say youll see me again
Even if its just in your
Wildest dreams, aah ha
Wildest dreams, aah ha
I said no one has to know what we do
His hands are in my hair,
his clothes are in my room
And his voice is a familiar sound,
nothing lasts forever
But this is getting good now
Hes so tall and handsome as hell
Hes so bad but he does it so well
And when weve had our very last kiss
My last request is
Say youll remember me
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks say youll see me again
Even if its just in your
Wildest dreams, aah ha
Wildest dreams, aah ha
You see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burning it down
Some day when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
You see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burning it down
Some day when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
Say youll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks say
youll see me again
Even if its just in pretend
Say youll remember me
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks say youll see me again
Even if its just in your
Wildest dreams, aah ha
Wildest dreams, aah ha
Even if its just in your
Wildest dreams, aah ha
In you wildest dreams, aah ha

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