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The White House is the special place for the president of the United State to live and work.It is heavily guarded and highly secured.It looks like a normal house but actually it is a fortress.It even can survive from a small nuclear bomb attack.Hundreds of agents patrol in three shifts 24/7.六十字的英文白宫简介怎么写
White HouseOfficial residence of the U.S. president, in Washington, D.C. It has been the home of every president since John Adams.
In 1791 James Hoban (1762–1831) won the commission to build the presidential residence with his plan for a Georgian mansion in the style of Andrea Palladio. The structure, to be built of gray sandstone, was to have more than 100 rooms. The British burned it in 1814, but it was rebuilt and enlarged under Hobans direction. In the 1820s, Hoban added eastern and western terraces as well as a semicircular southern portico and a colonnaded northern portico. The later addition of the West Wing (1902) and East Wing (1942) provided additional office space. Theodore Roosevelt adopted "White House" as the buildings official name in 1902. Its public areas are toured by about 1.5 million people every year.
白宫 White House