The introduction of the NBA Raptors team(英文写作四篇,120字左右.1<An introducti..)


The introduction of the NBA Raptors team

The introduction of the NBA Raptors team


      多伦多猛龙队(Toronto Raptors)是一支来自加拿大的NBA球队。

      - 球队历史

      - 建队初期:猛龙队成立于1995年,是NBA在加拿大扩张的球队之一。建队后前几个赛季表现不佳,直到1998年交易得到文斯?卡特,球队才开始有所起色。卡特带领猛龙多次打进季后赛,2001年更是率队杀进东部半决赛。

      - 波什时期:2003年猛龙选中克里斯?波什,2006-07赛季,猛龙队在波什的带领下取得47胜35负的战绩,队史首次获得大西洋赛区冠军,但在季后赛首轮遗憾落败。

      - 德罗赞和洛瑞时期:2013-14赛季开始,猛龙队在德罗赞和洛瑞的带领下成为东部劲旅,多次夺得大西洋赛区冠军,并在2015-16赛季首次打进东部决赛。

      - 伦纳德时期:2018年,猛龙队用德罗赞交易得到伦纳德。2018-19赛季,伦纳德带领猛龙队取得58胜24负的战绩,季后赛中先后击败魔术、76人、雄鹿,总决赛中4-2击败勇士,夺得队史首个总冠军。

      - 后伦纳德时期:伦纳德离开后,西亚卡姆成为球队核心。2019-20赛季猛龙取得53胜19负的战绩。2021年洛瑞被交易,2024年西亚卡姆被交易,猛龙进入巴恩斯时代。

      - 球队主场:猛龙队的主场是丰业银行球馆,可容纳约19000人。

      - 球队文化:猛龙队的队名源自电影《侏罗纪公园》,寓意充满活力和攻击性。球队文化强调团队合作、坚韧不拔和持续进步,吉祥物“Raptor”为球队加油助威,成为球队的标志之一。

      - 球队现状:2024-25赛季,猛龙队进入重建阶段,以斯科蒂?巴恩斯、伊曼纽尔?奎克利、RJ?巴雷特等年轻球员为核心,球队希望通过培养年轻球员,再次走向辉煌。


Tracy McGrady,he is a hero.In1997 draft,the Toronto Raptors select him in first pick at ninth,then,the NBA game has came in Tracy time.but then,Raptors has another leader-his cousin,Vince Carter,and if Tracy wants to be the leader,he must change the team,and the team was Orlando Magic. In Orlando time,Tracy give us so many memory,although now he is injuried,I believe he can get over(挺过去)! Tracy McGrady,the best crossover! .


Michael Jordan: Basketballs Legend
  There have been many great players of the game, some whose names are heard all around the world, others who are talked about every blue moon, but one name that will be heard where ever you go is Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is a worldwide name; sometimes referred to as M.J., or Air Jordan, but no matter how you hear it everyone knows who is being talked about. Thats right, the greatest player to put his hands on the ball. Jordan has fans all over the world, and not only is he known for his action on the court, but he is also known for the things that he does off the court. Know lets see why everyone wants to be like Mike.
  Where it all started for Michael Jordan
  Michael Jordan has been a great athlete since junior high school. He was interested in many sports especially baseball and basketball. Jordan pitched on the baseball team, played quarter back on the football team and was guard on the basketball team. Although he was involved in all of these things, he was very unpopular. Mike was teased for the way he looked, his haircut, and the way he stuck his tongue out when he played basketball. Despite all of this criticism Mike had to endure, he came out on top. It wasnt all because of him, but because he had a father behind him helping him to fulfill his dreams. When Michaels father saw that he was interested in basketball, he constructed a court in the back yard for him to practice on, and from then on Mike has been playing the game and playing it well. He went on to play at North Carolina, in his freshman year, and in his junior year he was drafted by the Bulls, were he led them to many championships. Late in Mikes game years his father was murdered, he had a hard time with his game, but as you can see, nothing can stop him. And still, everybody wants to be like Mike.
  Michael Jordan is someone who will never have to sit back and wonder what they have accomplished in life. Jordan as we know has set records that have yet to be broken and he has accomplished things that were thought to be impossible to accomplish. For example, on May 6, 1998, M.J. became the first player in history to be selected to the NBA All-Defensive First Team nine times. Jordan has also earned nine individual scoring titles, four Most Valuable Player awards, and he averaged 31.7 points per game which is the highest in NBA history. These are some of his accomplishments on the court. I often wonder what it would feel like to make history by just doing something that I enjoy. Obviously Jordan doesnt have to wonder, he already knows. At the presumed end of his career, he has created his own line of cologne and clothing, presuming shrewdly that, while no one can be like Mike exactly, the chance to smell and dress like him will be — in a world given over to computer generated simulations — virtually enough.
  As you can see, Michael Jordan is some one who is worth recognition. He is someone who I look up to when it comes to the game. Jordan has accomplished a lot, and it wasnt all fun and games, it took a lot of hard work, practice and effort to be one of the greatest basketball players of all times. Now do you see why everyone wants to be like Mike? Everyone wants the fame, the fortune and the just plain and simply the life that Michael Jordan lives. Jordan is an example that what ever you dream to become, it is possible to become just that. And whatever your goal is, you can reach it, with a little hard work, effort, and commitment.
这个是写NBA里面的乔丹的 你在拾掇拾掇

英文写作四篇,120字左右.1<An introduction of your department>

Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.
But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.
I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.

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