




      Table Manners in England (UK)

      The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners. Even young children are expected to eat properly with knife and fork.

      We eat most of our food with cutlery. The foods we dont eat with a knife, fork or spoon include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob, and fruit.

      Things you should do:

      If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party.

      If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so. It shows consideration.

      Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink.

      You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and fork.

      Always say thank you when served something. It shows appreciation.

      When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating it whole looks tacky.

      When eating soup, tip the bowl away from you and scoop the soup up with your spoon.

      When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have,

      place your knife and folk together, with the prongs (tines) on the fork facing upwards, on your plate.

      In a restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate the bill comes on.

      Things you should not do:

      Never lick or put your knife in your mouth.

      It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served unless your host says that you dont need to wait.

      Never chew with your mouth open. No one wants to see food being chewed or hearing it being chomped on.

      It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating.

      Dont reach over someones plate for something, ask for the item to be passed.

      Never talk with food in your mouth.

      It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth.

      Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork.

      It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily.

      Never blow your nose on a napkin (serviette). Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that.

      Never take food from your neighbours plate.

      Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.

      Things that are ok to do:

      It is ok to eat and drink something while walking down the street, unless you want to seem posh.

      It is ok to pour your own drink when eating with other people, but it is more polite to offer pouring drinks to the people sitting on either side of you.

      It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either.

      I am not used to eating with a knife and fork. What do I need to know?

      We eat continental style, with fork in the left hand and the knife in the right (or the other way round if you are left handed). At the top of your plate will be a dessert spoon and dessert fork.

      If you are eating at a formal dinner party, you will come across many knives and forks. Start with the utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each subsequent course

      How to eat with a knife and fork in England

      The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right.

      If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs (tines) pointed up.

      Hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your folk in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards.


should avoid as far as possible in the public area xing nasal mucuss movement, specially on the dinner table, in trays food as far as possible eats clean. dines in the process, around as well as dines, avoids discussing washes the hands makes the topic which once in a while one loses ones appetite. avoids makeing a belch as far as possible and so on behaviors. after dining, has used the tableware returns eats a meal starts the time position, including is good meal bowls ge gai, returns the chopsticks to the chopsticks ammunition pouch or the paper bag。


英国人一向注意服装的得体与美观。男要肩平,女要束腰,衣服平整,裤线笔挺。即要突出健美的线条,还要掩盖身体的缺陷。  在某些特定的正式场合,英国人还保留不少传统服装,法院正式开庭时,法官仍然头戴假发,身穿黑袍。教堂做礼拜时,牧师要穿上长袍;每届国会开幕,女王前往致词时,更是头戴珠光闪烁的王冠,随行的王宫女侍都身着白色的长裙礼服;王宫卫士身穿鲜红的短外衣、黄扣黄束腰,头戴高筒黑皮帽;伦敦塔楼的卫士黑帽、黑衣、上绣红色王冠及红色边线,近卫骑兵是黑衣、白马裤、黑长靴、白手套,头戴银盔,上面飘着高高的红穗。    英国的禁忌与习俗    三个禁忌    不能加塞:英国人有排队的习惯。你可以看到他们一个挨一个地排队上公共汽车、火车或买报纸。加塞是一种令人不齿的行为。    不能问女士的年龄:英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的,如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声“你看上去好年轻”更好的恭维了;毫无疑问,每个女士的发型、化妆和衣着都是为了让自己看起来更美丽、更年轻,但是如果她的打扮让人感到太刻意,那么别人就会带着非难的口吻说她“显得俗气”。    不能砍价:在英国购物,最忌讳的是砍价。英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情;如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或


英国人在正式场合注重礼节和风度,极强调所谓的“绅士风度”。它不仅表现为英国人对妇女的尊重与照顾等方面,而且也见于英国人的仪表修洁、服饰得体和举止有方。在英国,动手拍打别人,翘起“二郎腿”,右手拇指与食指构成“V”形时手背向外,都是失礼的动作。 英国人在正式场合注重礼节和风度,极强调所谓的“绅士风度”。它不仅表现为英国人对妇女的尊重与照顾等方面,而且也见于英国人的仪表修洁、服饰得体和举止有方。 在交际活动中,握手礼是英国人使用最多的见面礼节。在一般情况下,与他人见面时,英国人既不会像美国人那样随随便便地“嗨”上一声作罢,也不会像法国人那样非要跟对方热烈地拥抱、亲吻不可。英国人认为,那些作法,都有失风度。 在进行交谈时,英国人,特别是那些上年纪的英国人,喜欢别人称呼其世袭爵位或荣誉的头衔。至少,也要郑重其事地称之为“阁下”或是“先生”、“”、“夫人”。 英国人喜欢饮酒,酒吧在英国比比皆是。英国的威士忌酒,与法国的白兰地和中国的茅台酒并列为世界三大名酒。除酒以外,大多数英国人嗜茶如命,特别喜欢饮红茶。 英国人十分喜爱玫瑰、月季、蔷薇花。而百合花和菊花被视为死亡象征的,英国人十分忌讳。 英国人平时十分宠爱动物,尤其是狗和猫。只是对于黑色的猫,他们是十分厌恶的。此外,他们也不喜欢大象。 在色彩方面,英国人偏爱蓝色、红色与白色。它们是英国国旗的主要色彩。英国人所反感的色彩,主要是墨绿色。 英国人在图案方面的禁忌甚多。大象、孔雀、猫头鹰等图案,都会令他们大为反感。 英国要所忌讳的数字主要是“13”与“星期五”。当二者恰巧碰在一起时,不少英国人都会产生大难临头之感。 与英国人打交道时,需要了解的英国人的主要民俗禁忌还有下列几条:一是忌当众打喷嚏,二是忌讳用同一根火柴连续点燃二支香烟,三是忌讳把鞋子放在桌子上,四是忌讳在屋子里撑伞。五是忌讳从梯子下面走过。 在英国,动手拍打别人,翘起“二郎腿”,右手拇指与食指构成“V”形时手背向外,都是失礼的动作。



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