NBA players play unicycles(NBALIVE11怎样操作)


NBA players play unicycles

NBA players play unicycles


      在NBA的赛场上,通常大家关注的是球员们在篮球上的精彩表现,有一位特殊的“表演者”与独轮车紧密相连,她就是被大家熟知的“Red Panda”牛荣 。


      1993年,牛荣接到NBA快船队的邀请,进行中场表演。在5分钟的表演里,她凭借独轮车上的高空顶碗杂技,4次获得全场起立鼓掌,从此在NBA一战成名。此后,她成为NBA中场秀的常客,服务过30支球队,表演了21个赛季。她给自己取英文艺名“Red Panda”,红色代表中国,熊猫也是中国的象征。

      牛荣的表演堪称一绝,她站在3米高的独轮车上,进行摞碗、踢碗等绝活。脚下摞着多个碗,一脚轻巧踢起,碗便奇迹般地叠合在头顶,这样的操作让观众惊叹不已。表演时,传统乐器唢呐演奏的《大花轿》作为背景音乐,更增添了独特的中国韵味。每当她登场,现场观众都会送上热烈掌声,甚至有球迷专程为看她的表演而来,她也被美国媒体评为“篮球界最好的中场表演” ,NBA勇士队主教练科尔曾赞叹她的顶碗技术比库里的三分球还准。


      牛荣的表演甚至被收录进NBA 2K24游戏,成为NBA的经典标志。如今50多岁的她,行程依旧满负荷,NBA球队、NCAA球队以及商业演出都争相预订她的表演,报酬也水涨船高 。虽然牛荣不是NBA球员,但她凭借独轮车上的精彩杂技,在NBA的舞台上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,成为NBA赛场上独特的风景,也让更多人领略到中国杂技的魅力。


NBA Showtime is a basketball video game by Midway. A descendant of NBA Jam and NBA Hangtime, Showtime is modeled after the NBA presentations on NBC. The original arcade version features team rosters from the beginning of the 1998-99 NBA season, while the console versions features team rosters that were accurate prior to the 1999-2000 NBA season. A newer "Gold" version for arcades features another roster update from later in the 1999-2000 season.
[edit] Overview
Rather than 5 on 5 action like professional play, this game features 2 on 2 play with the ability to pick two players from any NBA teams starting line-up for the first half and can choose again for the second. In addition, after a player makes 3 consecutive shots he becomes "on fire", which allows him to easily make shots from almost anywhere, as well as goaltend without penalty and push opponents without being charged a foul. Play otherwise is similar to NBA rules. The arcade version accommodates up to 4 players, as do the home versions produced for the Nintendo 64, PlayStation and Dreamcast.
The players featured in the game included many of the most popular players of the particular year and era of the NBA season. But, like the previous games in the arcade-style basketball series—many players were left out and each team has a limited amount of players per position to chose from for the 2 on 2 gameplay.
As with the previous NBA Jam and NBA Hangtime games, the game contains many secret characters. The arcade version features the Universal Monsters Frankensteins monster, Bride of Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Wolf Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon as secret characters.
Several Midway Games employees are also playable characters. Some of the available players include Mark Turmell, Rob Gatson, Mark Guidarelli, Dan Thompson, Jeff Johnson, Jason Skiles, Sal DiVita, Jennifer Hedrick, Eugene Greer, Matt Gilmore, Tim Bryant, Jim Gentile, John Root, Jon Hey, Andy Eloff, Mike Lynch, Dave Grossman, Larry Wotman, Tim Moran, Willie Morris, Greg Cutler, and Chad Edmunds.
The N64 version of the game received mixed reviews, receiving a score of 6.8 on


Pass  传球    Z
Fakepass 假传    C
Hopstep 跳步    E
Shoot  投篮    S
postional play/pick control  玩什么位置/选择控制    空格 
Icon Pass 定位传球   左CTRL
clutch  背身单打    C
sprint 加速    左
moveplayers up 上    方向键上
moveplayers down 下    方向键下
moveplayers left 左    方向键左
moveplayers right 右    方向键右
Shot Stick Up  摇杆上    W
Shot Stick Down摇杆下    X
Shot Stick Left摇杆左    A
Shot Stick Right摇杆右   D
Timeout  比赛暂停    1
pause 暂停    2
change player 切换控制球员    Z
take charge  造进攻犯规    C
block/rebound  盖帽、篮板    E
steal 抢断    S
double team  双人包夹    空格
icon swap 定位换人    左CTRL
intense-d  激烈    C

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