The NBA player with number 9(NBA有些精彩进球后解说的什么)


The NBA player with number 9

The NBA player with number 9


      # 安德烈?伊戈达拉

      - 生涯荣誉:4届NBA总冠军、1届总决赛MVP、1届最佳防守一阵、1届最佳防守二阵、1届最佳新秀一阵、1届全明星阵容。

      - 技术特点:伊戈达拉身体素质出色,具备很强的防守能力,能从一号位防到五号位,在2015年总决赛中成功限制勒布朗?詹姆斯的发挥。进攻端能快攻推进,也有一定的中远投能力。

      - 效力球队:曾效力于费城76人队、丹佛掘金队、金州勇士队等。

      # 拉简?隆多

      - 生涯荣誉:2届NBA总冠军、1届最佳阵容三阵、2届最佳防守一阵、2届最佳防守二阵、3届常规赛助攻王、1届常规赛抢断王、4届全明星阵容。

      - 技术特点:隆多是一位传球第一的控球后卫,球商极高,拥有出色的传球视野和组织能力,常常能为队友创造出绝佳的进攻机会。防守端也很出色,能利用自己的臂展和预判能力进行抢断和干扰。

      - 效力球队:曾效力于波士顿凯尔特人队、洛杉矶湖人队、萨克拉门托国王队等。

      # 鲍勃?佩蒂特

      - 生涯荣誉:1届NBA总冠军、2届常规赛MVP、4届全明星MVP、10届最佳阵容一阵、1届最佳阵容二阵、2届常规赛得分王、1届常规赛篮板王、11届全明星阵容。

      - 技术特点:佩蒂特是一位非常全面的前锋,进攻手段多样,既能在内线强攻,又能拉到外线投篮。篮板球能力也很强,在其职业生涯中场均能抢到16.2个篮板。

      - 效力球队:职业生涯主要效力于亚特兰大老鹰队。

      # 托尼?帕克

      - 生涯荣誉:4届NBA总冠军、1届总决赛MVP、3届最佳阵容二阵、1届最佳阵容三阵、1届最佳新秀一阵、6届全明星阵容。

      - 技术特点:帕克有着出色的突破能力,他的欧洲步非常灵活,常常能轻松突破对手的防线杀到篮下得分。他的中距离跳投也很稳定,是马刺队进攻体系中的重要一环。

      - 效力球队:职业生涯大部分时间效力于圣安东尼奥马刺队。

      # 塞尔吉?伊巴卡

      - 生涯荣誉:1届NBA总冠军、3届最佳防守一阵、2届常规赛盖帽王。

      - 技术特点:伊巴卡是一位防守悍将,他的身高和臂展让他在篮下具有很强的威慑力,能够有效地干扰和封盖对手的投篮。进攻端,他也具备一定的中距离投篮能力,能为球队拉开空间。

      - 效力球队:曾效力于俄克拉荷马城雷霆队、多伦多猛龙队、洛杉矶快船队等。




      LeBron Raymone James(born December 30, 1984) is anAmericanprofessionalbasketballplayer for theCleveland Cavaliersof theNational Basketball Association(NBA). Nicknamed "King James," he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" ofOhioin high school, and was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while a sophomore atSt. Vincent–St. Mary High School. At just 18, he was selected with thenumber one pickin the2003 NBA Draftby the Cavaliers and signed aUS million shoe contract withNikebefore his professional debut. Listed as asmall forward, James has set numerousyoungest player recordssince joining the league. He was named the NBARookie of the Yearin2003–04,NBA Most Valuable Playerin2008–09, andhas been bothAll-NBAand anAll-Starevery season since 2005. 主要是介绍他的成长以及一些高中时的历程




      LeBron Raymone James(born December 30, 1984) is anAmericanprofessionalbasketballplayer for theCleveland Cavaliersof theNational Basketball Association(NBA). Nicknamed "King James," he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" ofOhioin high school, and was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while a sophomore atSt. Vincent–St. Mary High School. At just 18, he was selected with thenumber one pickin the2003 NBA Draftby the Cavaliers and signed aUS million shoe contract withNikebefore his professional debut. Listed as asmall forward, James has set numerousyoungest player recordssince joining the league. He was named the NBARookie of the Yearin2003–04,NBA Most Valuable Playerin2008–09, andhas been bothAll-NBAand anAll-Starevery season since 2005. 主要是介绍他的成长以及一些高中时的历程

急求英语演讲PPT一份 1小时内急要 特别好的加分 10-50分

      LeBron Raymone James(born December 30, 1984) is anAmericanprofessionalbasketballplayer for theCleveland Cavaliersof theNational Basketball Association(NBA). Nicknamed "King James," he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" ofOhioin high school, and was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while a sophomore atSt. Vincent–St. Mary High School. At just 18, he was selected with thenumber one pickin the2003 NBA Draftby the Cavaliers and signed aUS million shoe contract withNikebefore his professional debut. Listed as asmall forward, James has set numerousyoungest player recordssince joining the league. He was named the NBARookie of the Yearin2003–04,NBA Most Valuable Playerin2008–09, andhas been bothAll-NBAand anAll-Starevery season since 2005.


      Nine games of hoops on a Sunday. It’s the one and only. Top ten on

      At number 10. We head to Cleveland where Kyrie Irving is swirling through the Memphis defense. We’ll watch it one more time. That’s hanging and hitting from Uncle Drew at 10.

      On to number 9. And Marcus Morris, just face up and throw down. Big man jam there. Little Sunday stuffing at number 9.

      At number 8. The nets haven’t necessarily forgot about Dre. They just can’t do anything about Dre. He goes up and gets the alley-oop, and throws it down off the dish from Josh Smith.

      On to number 7. We stay at Barclays. And watch Mason Plumlee, sort of a cup-jam for Ma.. right there at number five. How about the one-handed crush over the Lakers.

      On to number 4. Not enough for number 1. That’s number

      How about number 2. Terrence Ross with the intentional miss. LeBron’s gone right to the rack for the one-handed crack for the Cavaliers. We’ll watch it one more time. And watch Mason Plumlee. Big man jam there, just face up and throw down. You gotta save young sports casts. To Sacramento. Yes.

      At number five. Terrence Ross is number 1 on the NBA, Terrence Ross again just dunking nicely. It’s Toronto’s favorite play. He goes up and gets the alley-oop. Top ten on NBA. Huge crank and put it in the bank. We head to Cleveland where Kyrie Irving is swirling through the Memphis defense.

      At number 3. Look at the Cavalier bench.

      But at number one.

      On to number 7. And LeBron throws that one down. Here he comes again on the replay. It’s the Raptors on the break. Look at it again.

      At 6. Nicely done on the break for the Brooklyn Nets. There is new James in Miami. Witness this.

      On to number 9, and throws it down off the dish from Josh Smith. Jonas Valanciunas with the bonus, like a Boss. It’s the one and only.

      At number 8. It’s the Cavs again. And Marcus And Terrence Ross.

      At number 10. Little Sunday stuffing at number 9. We stay at Barclays, you save it for a reason. Look at it again. There he is. Check it out one more time. That’s number 4 for the Kings. That’s number 6. And Terrence Ross dunks nicely. That other James guy. Dion to LeBron, sort of a cup-jam for Mason Plumlee right there, beautifully done. The nets haven’t necessarily forgot about Dre, with the rebound throw-down. That’s hanging and hitting from Uncle Drew at 10, they are loving that one. They just can’t do anything about Dre! James Ennis, making the defense pay, where Rudy Gay don’t play. Top five. Dion is quite pleased with the pass as well. On the runNine games of hoops on a Sunday, it’s intentional


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