The ranking list of NBA players in the s..(寻求沃尔玛英文介绍)


The ranking list of NBA players in the schedule

The ranking list of NBA players in the schedule


      # MVP榜单

      1. 谢伊-吉尔杰斯-亚历山大:雷霆队,上期第1。赛季至今场均32.8分5.3篮板6助攻。自1月21日以来,已轰下3次50 ,最近10场比赛,场均得到38.4分6.4助攻4.3篮板1.7抢断,投篮命中率58%。

      2. 尼古拉-约基奇:掘金队,上期第2。赛季至今场均29.6分12.7篮板10.3助攻。2月至今,贡献场均31分 三双。全明星周末前,将2次对阵开拓者队,以及和太阳队过招。

      3. 扬尼斯-阿德托昆博:雄鹿队,上期第3。赛季至今场均31.8分12.2篮板5.9助攻。字母哥的发挥很稳定,最近在处理小腿问题,健康时得分爆发力强。

      4. 杰森-塔图姆:凯尔特人队,上期第5。赛季至今场均26.6分8.7篮板5.7助攻。从第五升至第四,但近期状态不稳,绿军战绩瓶颈拖累排名。

      5. 卡尔-安东尼-唐斯:尼克斯队,上期第4。赛季至今场均24.3分13.6篮板3.3助攻。东部第一中锋,率尼克斯稳居前三,但伤病影响稳定性,本期被塔图姆反超。



      # 得分榜

      1. 谢伊-吉尔杰斯-亚历山大:雷霆,场均32.8分,投篮命中率53.5%,三分命中率35.2%,罚球命中率90%。

      2. 扬尼斯-阿德托昆博:雄鹿,场均31.8分,投篮命中率60.8%,三分命中率18.8%,罚球命中率57.7%。

      3. 尼古拉-约基奇:掘金,场均29.7分,投篮命中率57.2%,三分命中率46.2%,罚球命中率81.4%。

      4. 泰雷斯-马克西:76人,场均27.9分,投篮命中率44.4%,三分命中率34.5%,罚球命中率87.5%。

      5. 安东尼-爱德华兹:森林狼,场均27.2分,投篮命中率44.6%,三分命中率42.1%,罚球命中率84.4%。

      6. 凯文-杜兰特:太阳,场均26.9分,投篮命中率52.4%,三分命中率39.8%,罚球命中率82.7%。

      7. 杰森-塔图姆:凯尔特人,场均26.6分,投篮命中率45.1%,三分命中率35.7%,罚球命中率80.1%。

      8. 杰伦-布伦森:尼克斯,场均26.1分,投篮命中率48.9%,三分命中率39.7%,罚球命中率81.3%。

      9. 德文-布克:太阳,场均26.0分,投篮命中率45%,三分命中率34.2%,罚球命中率89.3%。

      10. 凯德-坎宁安:活塞,场均25.6分,投篮命中率45.3%,三分命中率35.4%,罚球命中率84.5%。


      The latest edition of Fortune released American Top 500 Enterprises List of 2007. Since the oil price was becoming stabilized, Wal-Mart overtook Exxon Mobil rising to the top of the list. The ranking of Fortune 500 of 2007 was based on enterprise revenue of 2006. Among them Wal-Mart ranked the first with USD351.139b, the ifth time in this place in the past six years. Though Exxon Mobil descended to the second place, still 3 places in the top five were occupied by oil enterprises with the other two were Chevron and Conoco. In 2006, the total revenue of American Fortune 500 was USD9.9 trillion, up by8.9% comparing with that in 2005; net profit was USD785b, 29% more than that in 2005. Out of this year’s American Fortune 500 Enterprises, US Airways got the biggest rise with ranking advanced to the 208th place; Avis slid down the most with ranking lowered to the 291st place. Calculated by the revenue, industries such as securities, equipment of oil and natural gas, internet and retailing had the largest increase in 2006.

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